Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tinker, Lead Musher Dog

Tinker is leading the "pack" and walking from the "far" gate by the garage towing Scooter back to the house. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Longaberger - Monday, Sept. 17th

Picnic in the Land of Giants

Bill wove a production basket!

Bill and his apples

Almost got one that time! ;- j

Basket Cases! ;-j

Where did it go?

Ahh... there it is... ;- j

Tuesday, Sept. 18th - Dinner

Salmon about to be cooked on a cedar plank.

Preparing the plank...

Salmon on the plank!

The best tasking Salmon evar!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

oh HI oh! - Sat. Sept. 15 - Thurs. Sept. 20

Starting the morning right!
Roasting coffee beans...

Lunch at Landoll's Castle

Castle and grounds...

Castle denizens? ;->

That's more like it.


Shall we...dance?

Don't look now, but...!

Dragon rider of Ohio

Me and my dino.


The road was a tad dusty. ;->

Have to keep that "star" clean! ;- j
Back home again...

Into the night...

Picnic in the land of giants.

Jeane feeding Tinker & Scooty...by fork!
and that is strange, how so? ;- j